Advanced Security Operation Center

The modern cybersecurity threat landscape is constantly evolving. New vulnerabilities and zero-day attacks are discovered every day, We are using an integrated approach with advanced knowledge building capabilities and advanced attacks analysis with sophisticated prediction techniques built with AI and DL.

Mitigating modern cyber threats require solutions for: continuous training, monitoring, correlation, and behavior analysis that are expensive and require significant amount of time to be implemented. Moreover, many organizations struggle to hire and retain the expensive security experts needed to operate those solutions and provide value by defending the organizations.

Security Analytics

Security Analytics

Green Circle Security Analytics service is used to collect, aggregate, index and analyze security data, helping organizations detect intrusions, threats and behavioral anomalies.

As cyber threats are becoming more sophisticated. Real-time monitoring and security analysis are needed for fast threat detection and remediation. That is why our light-weight agent provides the necessary monitoring and response capabilities, while our server component provides the security intelligence and performs data analysis.

Intrusion Detection

Intrusion Detection

Green Circle agents scan the monitored systems looking for malware, rootkits and suspicious anomalies. Agents can detect hidden files, cloaked processes or unregistered network listeners, as well as inconsistencies in system call responses.

In addition to agent capabilities, the server component uses a signature-based approach to intrusion detection, using its regular expression engine to analyze collected log data and look for indicators of compromise.

SIEM & Log Data Analysis

SIEM & Log Data Analysis

Green Circle agents read operating system and application logs, and securely forward them to a central manager for rule-based analysis and storage.

Our rules help make you aware of application or system errors, misconfigurations, attempted and/or successful malicious activities, policy violations and a variety of other security and operational issues.

File Integrity Monitoring

File Integrity Monitoring

We monitor the file system, identifying changes in content, permissions, ownership, and attributes of files that you need to keep an eye on. In addition, it natively identifies users and applications used to create or modify files.

File integrity monitoring capabilities can be used in combination with threat intelligence to identify threats or compromised hosts. In addition, several regulatory compliance standards, such as ISO 27001, PCI DSS, NIST, SOC2, etc. require it.

Vulnerability & Penetration Testing

Vulnerability & Penetration Testing

Our VAPT Service display an Infrastructure Vulnerability assessment and penetration test aiming to identify security issues resulting from insecure development practices in the design, coding, Configuration and publishing of software or websites.

In addition to, our agents pull software inventory data and send this information to the server, where it is correlated with continuously updated CVE (Common Vulnerabilities and Exposure) databases, in order to identify well-known vulnerable software.

Automated vulnerability assessment helps you find the weak spots in your critical assets and take corrective action before attackers exploit them to sabotage your business or steal confidential data.

Configuration Assessment and Hardening

Configuration Assessment and Hardening

We monitor system and application configuration settings to ensure they are compliant with your security policies, standards and/or hardening guides. Agents perform periodic scans to detect applications that are known to be vulnerable, unpatched, or insecurely configured.

Additionally, configuration checks can be customized, tailoring them to properly align with your organization. Alerts include recommendations for better configuration, references and mapping with regulatory compliance.

Incident Response

Incident Response

We provide out-of-the-box active responses to perform various countermeasures to address active threats, such as blocking access to a system from the threat source when certain criteria are met.

In addition, we can be used to remotely run commands or system queries, identifying indicators of compromise (IOCs) and helping perform other live forensics or incident response tasks.

Threat Intelligence

Threat Intelligence

Green Circle will deliver a system that will aid government agencies and other organizations in the prediction and attribution of cyber-attack infrastructure.

Therefore, the system will:

  1. Enable government agencies, financial institutions, ISPs, and the enterprise to understand how the adversary acquires infrastructure and prepares networks to launch.
  2. Protect the aforementioned entities months before the actual cyber-attack is launched.
  3. Attribute these attacks to the groups behind them. This can be done by tracking the patterns that these groups follow in acquiring infrastructure and launching attacks.
  4. Aid law enforcement in identifying and taking down these threat actors.
Awareness Service

Awareness Service

Security Training and Awareness service provides employees at all levels with relevant security information and training to lessen the number of security incidents. Green Circle can provide training and support in the following areas:

  • Generalized Security and Awareness
  • Customized Security Awareness and Training for unique requirements

Our Awareness Service: Phishing, Smishing, and Vishing.

Our Trainings

We are offering unique training model where we apply continuous training methodology to integrate cyber range with instructor led training, Green Circle the first company in the region offering this training programs which we think the only effective way to deliver practical experience shortly to learners.

Using various social-engineering techniques, criminals run havoc on the Internet and defraud many people in a number of different ways. This puts various organizational communities at risk. Therefore, it is important that people within such communities should learn how to protect themselves when active in cyberspace, or when dealing with cyber-related technologies.

Due to the previous key issue, Grcico recognize the importance of having a strong platform to be added to their proactive defensive lines to spread the awareness between employees and to provide important security information to their security team.

Sinnara is our security awareness platform developed by our expert’s developers to achieve the intended objectives mentioned above.



Technology and Development

